Elko New Market Breaks New Ground with Solar

1 min read
Apr 29, 2019 3:42:00 PM

The City of Elko New Market and iDEAL Energies, LLC of Minneapolis, announce the completion of the development of two solar array at City buildings. 

As part of their commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency, Elko New Market partnered with iDEAL in 2018 to explore several solar energy projects throughout their municipal facilities. These solar arrays will produce energy that will directly offset Elko New Market's utility expenses. After detailed usage analysis and comprehensive engineering studies, two viable projects emerged. 

One is a roof-mounted array on the Public Works building that has been live since December 2018 that offsets 100% of the energy used at the building annually. The 2nd is a ground-mounted array at the Waste Water Treatment Plant that is set to go live in summer of 2019, and is expected to offset approximately 27% of the energy used at the site. 

By leveraging federal and state tax incentives along with utility bill savings, iDEAL Energies was able to deliver projects requiring no upfront capital investment by the City and resulting in immediate savings for the useful life of the solar arrays. iDEAL Energies will operate and maintain the solar arrays for up to 20 years with early termination options for the City. 

The arrays were dedicated in a public ceremony on the evening of April 25th. Taking part in the ceremony were Elko New Market Council member Kate Timmerman, Mayor Joe Julius, Assistant City Administrator Mark Nagel and Bradem Solum of iDEAL Energies. Also present were City Administrator Tom Terry, Police Chief Brady Juell and Public Works Superintendent Corey Schweich.

Coming next, iDEAL Energies will install two more arrays for Elko New Market. The first on City Hall will be 33.3kW and will also utilize the Solar*Rewards. Then they will break ground on a much larger ground-mounted system at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, this time utilizing Xcel Energy's PV Demand Credit program.

The proposed 173 kW ground-mounted array will serve the Waste Water Treatment Plant and will offset the remainder of the Facility's consumption. 


Visit the New Prague Times for more information about the solar dedication ceremony.

Elko New Market Council MembersA brief dedication ceremony was held Thursday, April 25, for Elko New Market’s new solar arrays. At the ceremony were, from left, Braden Solum of Ideal Energies LLC, Elko New Market Council member Kate Timmerman, Mayor Joe Julius and Assistant City Administrator Mark Nagel.  (Patrick Fisher Photo)

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