2023 Solar for Schools
iDEAL Energies partners with Minnesota School Districts to navigate all available incentives and combine them into the best possible outcome for your project.
All grants require:
iDEAL's Solar Program
For all of our school customers, we provide real-time monitoring and solar curriculum that is standards-aligned and ready to incorporate into your classroom.

On-Site Solar
This is our specialty! As a business, we only install on-site solar because we believe that it's the best, most direct way to support our customers energy needs. Whether on the roof or on the ground, on-site solar creates energy that can be used immediately by your building and cuts out the middle men.
If you need more than your array can produce, your building will draw it from the grid as usual.
If you produce more than you need, simply sell it back to the Utility.
Solar at its simplest.

Real-Time Monitoring
State-of-the-art real-time monitoring is included with every solar array we install for swift solar operations and maintenance. This web-based platform provides performance, environmental benefits & data for use in the classroom.
Our inter-disciplinary solar curricula for 5th grade and high school include lessons built around analyzing the actual data from your District, while also considering weather conditions and environmental benefits.

Solar Education Modules
We provide hands-on, problem-based solar curricula to all our school customers that students in the real work of STEM professionals to help develop their understanding of solar energy, STEM careers, teamwork, design, and real-world issues.
Both our Primary and Secondary modules are interdisciplinary and aligned to the upcoming Minnesota State Science Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and 21st Century Learning Frameworks.
Let us do the heavy lifting.
Submit Readiness Application
iDEAL will gather the necessary information from your District to prepare a readiness application for approval & signature, and will submit to the Department of Commerce.
System Engineering
iDEAL will perform electrical & structural engineering on each school to determine where to place the array & how to best connect it to your building.
Submit Full Application
After engineering documents have been finalized, iDEAL will apply to the Department of Commerce to lock in the grant funds for your school(s).
Contract Negotiation
iDEAL will negotiate agreements with the District, based on the same solar contract we've used for 52 other school Districts.
Solar Array Construction & Startup
Once our engineering application is approved & all equipment has been procured, iDEAL will construct & energize your system, after thorough quality checks by all permitting authorities.